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Bengal Won-Loss Records, 1978-2017(FWIW)

otis campbell

Active member
This is for reference only. Ammunition for your own arguments and conclusions.

Yr. All. Conf.

2017 4-7 2-6 ---- 1997 3-8 2-6
2016 2-9 1-7 ---- 1996 4-7 2-6
2015 2-9 1-7 ---- 1995 6-5 3-4
2014 8-4 6-2 ---- 1994 6-5 4-3
2013 3-9 1-7 ---- 1993 2-9 0-7
2012 1-10 0-8 ---- 1992 3-8 1-6
2011 2-9 1-7 ---- 1991 3-7 2-6
2010 1-10 0-8 ---- 1990 3-8 1-7
2009 1-10 1-7 ---- 1989 3-7 2-6
2008 1-10 1-7 ---- 1988 0-11 0-8
2007 3-8 2-6 ---- 1987 3-7 3-5
2006 2-9 1-7 ---- 1986 2-9 1-7
2005 5-6 3-4 ---- 1985 5-6 3-4
2004 3-8 2-5 ---- 1984 5-6 4-3
2003 8-4 4-3 ---- 1983 8-4 5-2
2002 8-3 5-2 ---- 1982 3-8 1-6
2001 4-7 1-6 ---- 1981 12-1 6-1
2000 6-5 4-4 ---- 1980 6-5 4-4
1999 4-7 2-6 ---- 1979 0-11 0-7
1998 3-8 2-6 ---- 1978 2-8 0-6

Over the last 40 years, winning percentage .339 overall, .277 conference. Nine winning seasons overall(.225), six in conference(.150).

One thing jumped out at me. After being O-fers in 1979, they were National Champions two years later!
Under Current AD


Year-Win -Loss -%
2017- 2 -6 -0.250
2016- 1 -7 -0.125
2015- 1 -7 -0.125
2014- 6 -2 -0.750
2013- 1 -7 -0.125
2012- 0 -8 -0.000
2011- 1 -7 -0.125
2010- 0 -8 -0.000
2009- 1 -7 -0.125
2008- 1 -7 -0.125

Overall 14 66 0.175


Year Win Loss %
2016-17 -3 -15 -0.167
2015-16 -11 -7 -0.611
2014-15 -4 -14 -0.222
2013-14 -8 -12 -0.400
2012-13 -5 -15 -0.250
2011-12 -7 -9 -0.438
2010-11 -4 -12 -0.250
2009-10 -4 -12 -0.250

Overall 46 96 0.324

Statistics were collected from the Bigsky conference website
This is NOT a profile of a program. There is nothing being built. This 'wait til next year' mantra is just hot air. Four seasons in the last twenty with a winning overall record, and five in the twenty years before that. The Kragthorpe phenomenon was a fluke. A nice fluke, but, still, a fluke. Year one, winning season. Year two, one loss and a NC! Year three, three wins and the die is cast for the next 35 years. Coach leaves. Nothing built on. Eight wins is the ceiling. Kramer had one of those. Football at ISU has been allowed to wither on the vine. Why? I'd really like to know. There are posters that have great insight and historical knowledge that could go a long way to answering this question, and bring some life back to this site.
I wonder at times when I see all these spry new posters with insight and big dreams...how long have you all been an Idaho State fans?

If I had a kid that was on a current Bengal squad, I can understand the rah, rah. I’d probably do the same.

Bash me if you will but I have been a Bengal fans since I was a five year old in 1977 if memory serves me correct . I will acknowledge that things can turn around and become great (Kansas State football, Gonzaga basketball, etc.) but the reality is the Idaho State men’s basketball and football program will probably NEVER become a consistent contender.

No money, no desire, apathy in the community...Idaho State will be good once or twice every decade or two. Accept it, you can’t change it because you cannot write the a huge check. Second guessing won’t fix it, wanting won’t fix it. The Men’s programs will never succeed without a massive influx of $$$ and community support.

I use to mock the folks that stated the obvious. But guess what? It’s unlikely positive change will ever happen. Call me a bad fan or whatever you want—I have been a “die hard fan” for 41 ish years...the pattern of little success is eerie and consistent.

My point, this board. Who will step up and own it? Beside the “homer” ISU employees? Everyone bitches and moans but who will step up and make it better. Most want so much more but are willing to give so little.

Accept it. Unless you are willing to give or do more, all the second guessing won’t change anything? Idaho State isn’t willing to give or commit more to the flagship programs and the Bengals will most likely never achieve any success on a consistent basis.
Why throw good money after bad, then? Forty years of figures underline the fact that ISU football is going nowhere. When Kramer was hired, I said if he couldn't do it(build a winning program), that it couldn't be done. Time to pull a Hofstra or a Rick's. Doing the same thing, over and over, and expecting a different result....
Kramer came in with good intentions, but once Bailey left things fell fast. Micro managing, trying to run both the offense and defense, not taking the lifting and summer programs serious, cancelling practices for no reason other than not wanting to practice, all led to the fall of Kramer. I truly feel this staff has things going in the right direction. Saterlee has seen what athletics can do at BSU. I'm crossing my fingers he brings that here.
:fuel: idgaf, I posted to see if anyone gives a shit whether ISU football, or athletics in general, lives or dies. Hyperbole, to make a point. Bengalcub understands the problem. I see Phenicie as the end of the line. When his contract is up, the new prez will pull the plug. It will boil down to money.
As a side note I find humorous, a poster on eGriz from LONG AGO, resurfaced like the Loch Ness monster, after years of inactivity. Most likely someone who has been banned multiple times for his tripe. The funny part is his username: IHateRobPhenicie. Phenicie was OC at UM for much too long, and was not appreciated by Griz fans.
The Chicago Cubs won a championship. They put together a good team. How about the Astros last season. Team chemistry. You never know. This maybe the year for the Bengals.
The 1987 Bengals won only 3 games but two of those wins were against the University of Idaho (and future NFL quarterback John Friesz) in Pocatello and Boise State (on Frank Selto's winning kick off return TD) at Bronco Stadium. Those two wins were enough for me that year. That season was the end of Jim Koetter era, Garth Hall was hired for 1988. You can extend this analysis back to 1968 and find that the 1968 to 1978 record was not much better. The Bengals had a good team in 1975 (7-3 if I remember correctly) under Bob Griffen but the 1976 (Joe Pascale) and 1977 Bengals (Bud Hake) were not very good. ISU footbal was last consistently competitive in the 1950s and 1960s. Ed Cavanaugh had minor success at 28-19 between 1968 and 1971 and Bob Griffen was 21-20 from 1972-1975.
The information for this thread is available at ISU Bengals.com. From 1902-1922 they played high school teams, full time through WWI(no games in 1918 due to flu epidemic)then as what we would call non-observance season openers. A hundred years later....this may help keep things in perspective.
When you’ve been around ISU athletics for 40 years, like Cub and I (and Votb) you get to occasionally observe these deep discussions about the meaning of life, existentialism and whether ISU should continue to play football. About 10 years ago, I did my master’s thesis on what factors cause ISU fans to be ISU fans. I set up a booth at an ISU-Weber game and handed out surveys. I also mailed surveys to all ISU season ticket holders.

To cut to the chase, the number one factor that ISU fans identified was: the opportunity to root for a winner. Now given ISU’s long, dismal history you might wonder what the hell these people were thinking. But ISU fans have had just enough sweet memories (the national championship, the Globe of Death win over BSU, the triple OT win over Montana) to remind them how good winning actually feels. It was inspiring to see how the community responded when the Bengals had their one winning season under Kramer a couple of years ago. I was selling tickets for my employee association and people were calling me so much my boss was concerned it was interfering with my regular job.

There are a litany of reasons why ISU has not, and maybe never will be a consistent contender in football and men’s basketball. I won’t go into those here. But I will say that the few good seasons and great moments (like that Globe of Death game) have made enduring the persistent, mind-numbing struggles over the years worthwhile. Many fans go on “hiatus” when the struggles go on too long, and I can certainly understand that. But it’s fun to see the enthusiasm ramp up when good things, like the occasional winning season, pop up.

Is it worth the money to the institution, or the emotional investment to the individual fan? That’s out of my league to decide, but I will say I would miss the chance, the opportunity that arises at the beginning of every season for something great to happen. Like a Cubs Fan at spring training, hope springs eternal.
I certainly have seen my share of losing seasons since coming to ISU in 1982, and have been blessed to call some of those great games (Globe of Death, Selto's winning TD KO Return at Boise State, etc.). I will not pretend to know exactly all of the reasons for prolonged losing. I also understand the frustration of fans. I do. I also know when I first started calling games in '82 I wasn't particularly liked by some ISU fans as I was a BYU grad and with some that didn't sit well. My point of bringing that up is that regardless of what my diploma reads, if you cut me I bleed orange and black (about the only blue I bleed is Dodger blue). During 30 years of association with ISU Sports I'm certain I've seen more Bengal losses than almost anyone else alive as I've seen all of the road losses during those years, as well. Sure, I've been paid to watch those games and try to put a positive spin on it all but, regardless, I've become a rabid fan of ISU. Having said that, I now step back from being a fan and think about all of the athletes I've known during those years and how very many of them have acquired degrees and have gone on to have successful careers and lives because of the education they received at ISU. Many of them have chosen to settle here in our area, contributing to our own communities, again because of the educations they've received here at ISU. All of a sudden I realize it's not ALL about winning or losing, or about making fans happy. Rather, there have been so many lives changed for the better because ISU Athletics has existed. Forget the wins and losses for a minute and think about all of the great young men and women who have given so much to gain an education while trying their hardest to create wins, not losses. What if they hadn't received the opportunity here? Should they be denied a chance for educations because we don't win enough? Just a thought. I don't know what changes will come with a new president. Hopefully they'll be positive. Unfortunately, we could hire Nick Saban to coach football, but if he's not given the tools and support needed to build a championship program he wouldn't be able to do it. We could hire any AD from any school in the PAC 12, ACC, BIG 10 or SEC, but if all they have to work with is baling wire and duct tape things won't change. The changes have to come from the top down, showing our fans, alumni and others there's reason for hope...reason to lend support and invest. There are already some truly great people in ISU Athletics, but many expect them to serve prime rib when all they have to work with is 30% fat ground beef, turkey wieners and bologna. I can look down the road and see a time coming when I'll step down from calling games, but I'll always be a Bengal fan, win or lose. I've never wondered what makes a Cub's fan a Cub's fan, because I'm a Bengal fan.
Good points on the value of education and the good people who have gone through the ISU athletic program and become contributing members of our community, VOTB.

And for what it's worth, I've never understood those Cubs fans, either....Go Cards! -:)
votb said:
I don't know what changes will come with a new president. Hopefully they'll be positive. Unfortunately, we could hire Nick Saban to coach football, but if he's not given the tools and support needed to build a championship program he wouldn't be able to do it.....The changes have to come from the top down, showing our fans, alumni and others there's reason for hope...reason to lend support and invest.

Do it right, or don't do it at all. That 'middle road,' what has been done for generations, is just wasting taxpayer and student money. Commit or get out. Does Satterlee have the balls to do either? We'll see.
otis campbell said:
votb said:
I don't know what changes will come with a new president. Hopefully they'll be positive. Unfortunately, we could hire Nick Saban to coach football, but if he's not given the tools and support needed to build a championship program he wouldn't be able to do it.....The changes have to come from the top down, showing our fans, alumni and others there's reason for hope...reason to lend support and invest.

Do it right, or don't do it at all. That 'middle road,' what has been done for generations, is just wasting taxpayer and student money. Commit or get out. Does Satterlee have the balls to do either? We'll see.

There are certainly opportunities for a president to place a greater emphasis on athletics. Supporting specific fund raising campaigns for facilities, for example, and using the “bully pulpit” of the president’s office to “rally the troops” around athletics. At the same time, the State Board has placed very specific limits on the amount of state dollars that can be spent on athletics in any given year. Traditionally ISU has spent right up to that limit. So if ISU is going to significantly increase resources for athletics, private fundraising is where the money will have to come from. I claim no insight into how that process currently works, or how it could be improved. But clearly that must be an area of emphasis if ISU is going to give their athletics department more bullets.
Granted. If spending is max'ed, then mismanagement has to be considered. Or, after four decades, the hole is so deep, it would take another forty years to get out of the hole. That is not the solution. New grads would be my age before 'hope' produced any fruit. It may be time to stick a fork in it. Satterlee 's problem. Forty years from now, I and Holt Arena will not be around. Another funding problem. As I have said, it will boil down to money.
otis campbell said:
If spending is max'ed, then mismanagement has to be considered. Or, after four decades, the hole is so deep, it would take another forty years to get out of the hole.

I don't see mismanagement. Not, at least, by the current AD. I can tell you that every dollar spent undergoes close scrutiny before it goes out the door. Coaches pretty much have to justify and justify again when they want to spend. And because of a small pie, they're usually forced to try and continually perform at a higher level with less to work with.

And it's not just Athletics. If I could I would share info about how much ISU was budgeted for "marketing" the school this year. Compared to what the U of I spends to market the school it's unbelievable.

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