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Give me one good reason to respect ISU football!!!

letuknow - you seem hung up on how the coaches treat both players and non players - whats wrong? did somebody not get enough hugs when they were a baby... jeez grow a pair - you'll need them some day

bengal 96 - you have the info you need to contact the coaching staff with regards to the world class running back with video on utube - i hear thats all division 1 coaches need to make a decision these days - who lives down the street form you or whatever - so use the contact info... and leave it up to the professional coaches to make a decision.... if they think the kid is good enough great. if not then too bad... but whining about YOUR treatment (or nontreatment) by coaches who don't know you or your self described 'ability' to scout talent for sh** - is just sad

contact the coaches and deal with their (to pursue the kid or not) decision like a man would ya?
Got it 96--tell me how your conversation with Whitworth and Zamberlin went. Furthermore, tell me about your face to face interaction. You thanked someone earlier for giving you the contact information--so obviously those two must have been the folks that you presented your prospect to.

You state that you love ISU and what it has to offer. Yet you throw the jab that ISU doesn't even care about the talent close to home that is hand delivered to them. So you tell me, are you trying to help or hurt? Furthermore, the fact that ISU chose to blow you off--simply illustrates to me that a family putting faith in you to market the interest of their son is a critical mistake. Now his name is on a message board and unfortunately he is unfairly labeled as a kid that ISU does not have interest in. If Pocatello, myself, the coaches and the fans are so pathetic--why make the effort at all. Like I said before, you could have did this in a more constructive way--you chose to bash the program and the coaching staff. Just tell me this, seriously, why not try a bit harder to do it the right way?

So you tell me, is posting a message on this board the way to make things happen for this kid or is channeling your efforts into making sure this kid gets discovered more productive? Shit, make a DVD, give it to me and at least I can get a coach to take a look see or to send me an e-mail. You don't believe me, try me and I don't even know the kid. Finally, I do know this for certain--the things that you have posted on this board can hurt Idaho State and its recruiting efforts, period.

As for you letyouknow--as the ISUSID said make an appointment with Zamberlin and/or Tingey and voice your concerns. They both have an open door policy. But then again that would make too much sense. You are here to cause problems and raise doubts, but you offer no solutions. Instead it makes more sense to you to try to create bad press for the athletic program. You come on here and say look at me--I know something you don't know. I won't say who, what, when, where, why or how--I'll just throw out a little teaser to get the fish to start biting, right? Look at me--look at me--fire, fire. Forget the fact that all the things that you are mentioning are being looked at and dealt with behind closed doors.

You see the real problem has nothing to do with the optimist on this board. It has everything to do with the chronic bitchers and complainers that want to have someone or something to blame. Look at the title of this thread--your all like a bunch of house flies on a warm turd.

The fact of the matter, I never saw either of you post until you had something negative to say about the program. Never, not once. It tells me that you came here with one intention--to cause harm and to spread venom.

If I am wrong, I am not too proud to apologize. Set me straight, please.
Mighty mighty spartan probably pretty pumped up about Halloween so you can wear your Spartan snl outfit outside huh? If what Bengal96 said is true, does it not at least raise some questions. bengal cubette why is it if someone questions something to you they dont support the program. Have I ever said i dont support ISU? NO, but if their are some problems lets at least acknowledge it, or should we just continue to talk about how great things are?
ISU is winless this year in football is the point. Obviously the talent on the coaching staff, player personnel or, both IS THE PROBLEM. Assuming that all of you ( including me) have seen ISU play this year, we can all agree that this team and College need some help whether it be talent or attitude.

If I am a coach with an 0-8 team, I am looking for help everywhere. I am sorry, but I am tired of accepting the attitude that we are rebulding and give it time. If you are going to be a succesful program, you need to think like one.
Here is the best thing about all of this...the kid that Bengal96 is yapping about...the one who has says ISU is not recruiting, and hasn't made contact with and all of that? Yeah, that would be wrong, unless there's an identical running back from the same school with the same number who has a DVD in Whit's office.

That's what's funny...people can just say something and folks believe. I've said it before and I'll say it again....just ask.

All legally ISU can say is yes, we are recruiting so-and-so...well yes, it certainly looks like ISU is recruiting so-and-so. These coaches know what they are doing and how to recruit folks...they're lives, and their families lives depend on it. I'm pretty sure if a kid can play and they can get them here, they are going to do their best to get him.

Letuknow--I have never said that anyone is not a fan. I don't have a problem with discussions at all. I have a problem with your riddles and innuendo. If what you say or imply is true and you are concerned, what are you going to do about it? Have you talked to Coach Z or Tingey? Have you done anything to help fix the problem or are you merely fanning the fire? Until then, you have ZERO credibility with me.

Bird--there are problems with Idaho State University athletics. This team is win less and I do acknowledge that. I say give this coach time and maybe you disagree. But please tell me what you would like to see and what you are willing to do to help the situation. Please continue to support ISU--now is the time that Idaho State needs its boosters the most.

96--I am sure at this point, Idaho State is fully aware of the young man that you are referring to. If they have any interest in moving forward, ISU knows who he is and how to get in touch. If you would like to help further, make an appointment with Zamberlin and discuss your frustrations and concerns. I know that the ISU coaching staff and every staff in America misses out on diamonds in the rough. But you do not know the situation with regards to the RB position. Nobody here has any clue about how many backs ISU is looking at and nobody here knows for a fact that ISU is not already aware of the young man being referenced to.

Maybe what we need to do more of as a community of Bengal fans is quit complaining about everything and start to do more to help the University that we all claim that we support. I don't have much, but I am sending a check to Idaho State University today. I will also take time to write them and let them know that I appreciate the work that they do--and in my own little way--I will continue try and be an ambassador of the Bengal program. I am not without fault or emotion and sometimes I do get frustrated, but I will always be a supporter of Idaho State.

ISU needs us now, what are you going to do to help?
I don't know very much about recruiting but I do know there are time frames that coaches can talk with recruits and there are time frames when they can not. Does anyone know about these time frames?
Also, Bengal96 is this player a junior or senior this year? You said he was 16.
He said he was 16 at the time of these video clips (or at least as I understand it). He likely doesn't have any video from this year, because he broke his foot in the opening game and has missed this season.
Thank you. That is really to bad...I would think it would be hard to evaluate him. I was wondering why or if he was being recruited by the Utah Universities.
SLCBengal said:
He said he was 16 at the time of these video clips (or at least as I understand it). He likely doesn't have any video from this year, because he broke his foot in the opening game and has missed this season.

He has been playing the past two weeks. :D
spartan said:
bengal 96 - you have the info you need to contact the coaching staff with regards to the world class running back with video on utube - i hear thats all division 1 coaches need to make a decision these days - who lives down the street form you or whatever - so use the contact info... and leave it up to the professional coaches to make a decision.... if they think the kid is good enough great. if not then too bad... but whining about YOUR treatment (or nontreatment) by coaches who don't know you or your self described 'ability' to scout talent for sh** - is just sad

contact the coaches and deal with their (to pursue the kid or not) decision like a man would ya?

LMAO...I have heard about you. You come on here and take inappropriate jabs at unsuspecting participants. You charge people with too much complaining when they express their personal opinions about ISU football. You condemn people for having another perspective about ISU football as if you are the guru, the college football expert. And you do all this without knowing who you are talking to or about. I think we can agree you form your opinion based on little to no information. Well, that sounds like the definition of ignorance to me. I guess we can say that makes you an ignorant person. Do me a favor...try and learn a little more before addressing me. Because to me...you are still at the pee-wee level. Your response suggests one of two thoughts (or both) about you:

1. You clearly do not have the intelligence to understand the original post
2. You read the original post and wanted to one-up it with what you think is a clever rebuttal ( :lol: lmao...obvious it is not)

Trust me the ISU Football program does not need uninformed folks like yourself to represent them. They are adults and can handle public scrutiny, constructive feedback or straight criticism. People like you make them look really, really baaaaad! So here is some advice..."google" the phrase "critical thinking" and get back with me when you can put together a cogent and respectable response. :o
wtf are you talking about???

my position on most everything is pretty much the same - i don't have to agree with you and you don't have to agree with me.. where you get that other bs .. i have no idea...

now that you have all the info you need... please feel free to continue to pimp out a 16/17 year old kid to any football program you deem fit
SLCBengal said:
That's great -- hope he does well in the playoffs!

In fairness to ISU, the Salt Lake Tribune reported this summer that Mr. Jackson has had a problem attracting attention from most colleges...

SLTrib: Why No Love for Layton RB Jackson?

Its my understanding he has posted the 4.4 since this article. He is such a good kid with good character too. when talking with players that have competed against him they express tremendous respect for his heart, athletic ability and impact. Who knows, if he can get a chance at ISU like I did (my grades were definitlely not the best going in) he could add significant value.
spartan said:
wtf are you talking about???

my position on most everything is pretty much the same - i don't have to agree with you and you don't have to agree with me.. where you get that other bs .. i have no idea...

now that you have all the info you need... please feel free to continue to pimp out a 16/17 year old kid to any football program you deem fit

lol now...now....now dont go get all upset with me. And besides the only one being pimped is you...i was able to get you to respond. Geez I must have really gotten to you...you responded sooner than I thought...lol...you even used "wtf" lmao, lmao, lmao!
I don't know very much about recruiting but I do know there are time frames that coaches can talk with recruits and there are time frames when they can not. Does anyone know about these time frames?
Also, Bengal96 is this player a junior or senior this year? You said he was 16.

You know, thats a good point. I dont know the blackout periods though. I gotta tell you, some of these individuals in this thread respond without being informed. Has it always been like this?
You know, thats a good point. I dont know the blackout periods though. I gotta tell you, some of these individuals in this thread respond without being informed. Has it always been like this?

I think it is almost always like this on boards, this one being no exception...
isusid said:
Here is the best thing about all of this...the kid that Bengal96 is yapping about...the one who has says ISU is not recruiting, and hasn't made contact with and all of that? Yeah, that would be wrong, unless there's an identical running back from the same school with the same number who has a DVD in Whit's office.

That's what's funny...people can just say something and folks believe. I've said it before and I'll say it again....just ask.

All legally ISU can say is yes, we are recruiting so-and-so...well yes, it certainly looks like ISU is recruiting so-and-so. These coaches know what they are doing and how to recruit folks...they're lives, and their families lives depend on it. I'm pretty sure if a kid can play and they can get them here, they are going to do their best to get him.


Lets be clear and get it straight for the record, read my origninal post again...

So do you really want to know why ISU is not winning? Look at the the link below. The link is my fraternity brother's son (#25) and they (family) are interested in the ISU football program (as well as a couple of D1 schools looking at him). I graduated from ISU and I said I will contact the football program for you. Well, I tried and was basically ignored. This particular coach seemed annoyed that I called and to some degree I probably would be frustrated too. But that does not mean you ignore potential opportunities. He basically told me who handled my particular area and gave me a number of an ISU football recruiter (that does not seem to work like other ISU Football numbers...additionally I have not received any returned calls from my messages and people do not answer their phones). He never asked me about name, state, contact information or anything. I mentioned the highlight video was online and was never asked how to access it! Had he seemed more approachable I would have offered and sent ISU football the stats below. Oh well I guess I will encourage them to look at another connection/university...

Your rambling states I said "...ISU is not recruiting, and hasn't made contact with and all of that?" Where did I say that in my post? Tell me, read the post again if you need to and tell me where I made that statement. If you think the use of the words "potential opportunities" was an implication, than apologies are in order. However, that was not my intent. I was referring to a person possibly introducing some information they MAY not be aware of. Please if you are going to make statements like that be sure it is accurate/conclusive or ask if it is not clear. Furthermore, I was more dissapointed at how ISU representatives responded to my efforts than anything else. In my original post I never attacked the coaches or administration, I was being critical of how my interaction was handled. Surely as an adult/professional you understand the importance of accuracy.
psyched_up said:
You know, thats a good point. I dont know the blackout periods though. I gotta tell you, some of these individuals in this thread respond without being informed. Has it always been like this?

I think it is almost always like this on boards, this one being no exception...

lol...it is kind of fun though!!! :D :lol:
96--can I please get some clarification on some of what I am reading?

What do you mean when you say, "So do you really want to know why ISU is not winning?" To me, that seems like a bit of an attack.

How did Idaho State obtain a DVD copy of this player? Were you aware that Idaho State was in possession of this DVD? If Idaho State did have this DVD, would the information that you provided be of any additional use? Typically, the recruiting films that I have seen includes--height, weight, stats, GPA and SAT/ACT scores. May I ask what new information that your provided on this site would prove useful to the ISU coaching staff?

Are you a coach or a parent of of this young man? If not, can Idaho State officials really have a conversation with you regarding this individual--other than to confirm or deny that they are/are not recruiting a kid? I don't know the answer to this, but maybe you do.

Have you made a recent attempt to contact Idaho State University and requested the opportunity to meet with Coach Zamberlin or ISU officials face to face to discuss these things? If not, may I suggest that you do?

Finally, why post this here? What was desired result of your original post?

A few seasons ago there was a post similar to this regarding Ben LaPorta and the mistreatment that he received from the ISU coaching staff. The post was written by someone close to Laporta and stated that Ben would never have anything to do with Idaho State University--ever, period. Ben LaPorta is now a member of the Bengal family.

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