As usual I again was out looking at the progress of the work being done on the soon to be "Roos Field". It looks great so far. The Foreman said today that they will not be @ EWU on Monday, however, Tues & possibly Wed. Just a little touch up is left. They put in some Electricial Boxes in today on both sidelines, a few is left, then the job will be complete.
I missed one day which was Tuesday July 6th. My youngest son who is a Pastor in Moses Lake, we went and spend little time with him and family. Steve Pauletto, came up and mentioned that I Missed a day :lol: . My daughter made some pictures of the before and after. Pauletto, said he was approximately 3 weeks ahead.
I am sure you have gone to "" and see how they are getting the work done. According to one of the "BIG WIGS" the Turf should be here in about 2 weeks. This was Friday July 16, which means it should be here in another week. Hope so. Goodnight. Go Eags! Vic