There is always more that can be done by the PPAK. Maybe you aren't doing enough. Last year, bengalhater passed out flyers on campus, at the dorms, put them on cars in the Dee and other lots on campus and had the wooden signs out for virtually every game, which should ALL be considered BIG.
Not that I don't think you've been doing a good job. Fly, you put forth a lot of heart during football season and it showed for Homecoming. It was the biggest student attended game in 7 years. No matter, more needs to be done. You need to get your members more involved. How many PPAK members are there? Stop looking at them as $$$ but as students. The PAK is not a for profit organization. ITS A STUDENT ORGANIZATION, where you need to get the students involved. How many freshman from last year rejoined this year? How many freshman from this years PAK will join next year? Give them, the student members, the college experience. Since the WSUSA wont and the Greek System is gone the PAK has an excellent opportunity, but you don't do it. The problem is that the organization doesn't organize or plan things out, and that is in no way or form, all your fault. However, YOU are the leader, you need to be looking for ways to get your members involved. Its kinda late to do that now. You should have called each one and known who they were at the start of the year, and had a system in place to make sure they all receive a text message and an email before all activities (bus trips, games, sign painting parties, other social events, planning meetings, ect ect ect). Know your members, give them the college experience (not a benefit card and a shirt, part of the equation but not the total sum), and you will create a stronger, more loyal fan base. Me, CatCat, and Bengalhater have given our all, we can't do what we've been doing are entire lives. The student leadership needs to man up and LEAD. By the way, I was told by the past AD that I cost myself jobs by the way I acted. He loved it, but others didn't. Also, the current AD asked me why I was in the student section. There are reason why I've mellowed.
Maybe you can pick up some good ideas from our brothers up north. Put together a handout that has all the cheers on it and give it to all the students in the section. Use the white board to put down a cheer, for instance, 1. Lets go weber (put a big black 1 on the white board). Get some info on the opposing players, coaches, and schools. Get some of the front row crazies to go into the crowd, with a buddy-two by two-, to teach the other students the cheers. INFORMATION, ORGANIZATION, and PLANNING are very important to creating a strong and successful group. I know you can do it. You are the man!