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Program Deserves Big Crowds

i just got a COOL idea. at least i think it's COOL. Weber should do a stake weber state basektball night, much like Lagoon does a Stake Lagoon night. That Dee gets packed with LDS people when they have their meetings and firesides there. i bet if they worked with the church and just gave out cheap seat tickets to a couple stakes every game, the place would fill up. Now isn't that a COOL idea?
pattenjr said:
i just got a COOL idea. at least i think it's COOL. Weber should do a stake weber state basektball night, much like Lagoon does a Stake Lagoon night. That Dee gets packed with LDS people when they have their meetings and firesides there. i bet if they worked with the church and just gave out cheap seat tickets to a couple stakes every game, the place would fill up. Now isn't that a COOL idea?

They are willing to offer reduced priced tickets to any group, mutual groups from our ward used to go every year and it was like 2 dollars a kid. But someone has to take the initiative and either call stakes asking if they are interested or someone from that stake calling WSU. I doubt either happens.
We went to many a mutual activities at the DEC in the 90's. They were great and I know our leaders were buying discount tickets from WSU.

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