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QB G. Galloway mislead by ISU signs with Bobcats.

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nope - not buying it

not buying that anyone currently on the give gives a sh** (and if they do who cares?), not buying that anyone who matters is up in arms, not buying the 'accountability' bs (accountable for what?)

if the bengals were coming off an 8 win season nobody would make a squeek about this trivial bs - you included

that = fair weather fans....
You are correct--if this team was winning games, the little things wouldn't make as much of a difference. We would have never heard about this because it never would have happened. Why? The academic quagmire that ISU is now in--it would not exist. Galloway would have coasted into Idaho State without an issue. And if he had an issue--he would have been given a chance to take care of things as a walk-on. When you cannot win games, retain your players and you lose scholarships to boot--lots of people are going to be a critics. The athletic department and Coach Zamberlin have put themselves in this situation.

Is the best you can come up with FAIR WEATHER FANS? Really? How in the hell does ISU get FAIR WEATHER FANS? You speak like this is a program rich in tradition with fans that bolt at the first signs of difficulty. Think about what you are saying?
Spartan, you exemplify everything that is wrong with ISU athletics and the football program. For 25+ years, individuals, be it fans or community members, have sat on their hands and accepted everything that came out of the athletic offices, good or bad. If anybody questioned the actions of ISU athletics, that individual was labeled a troublemaker.

Back in the old days, our information was limited to whatever press releases were distributed to the local media. We might have been lucky enough to read an out of state newspaper which also contained some news which affected us locally. Fast forward to now, and there isn’t a whole lot of information that you CAN’T get your hands on. The power of technology brought us the internet which has led to the current social media craze, be it message boards, blogs, twitter, or networking sites.

Read the following from the Sports Business Journal. It describes studies which show fans who follow their teams through social networking sites become more passionate and better fans.


What does any of this have to do with Galloway? The moment that kid signed his LOI, he became a Bengal. It was reported here, it was reported on ISU’s site, it was reported in his hometown news. ISU made a horrible mistake and didn’t have the courage or guts to admit it, but instead, tried to push blame on this kid. Rather than make acknowledgment of the truth, ISU stepped on this kid to make itself look better. Frank created a blog in which the whole purpose appeared to be an attempt to vilify Galloway. In turn, Cub used the resources here to stand up for this young gentleman. Newspapers picked up the story both in California and Montana.

You see, things have changed from 20 years ago. Information is at the tip of all of our fingers. You can’t run an athletic department the way it has been run the past 25 years. It’s transparent. When we can see daily rosters and students’ networking sites, we know the number of students who have left a program. We can see when there is trouble brewing. Cub knew the APR troubles were well on the way, and he warned everybody eons ago. What did ISU do? They did what they normally do in trying to adapt to the ever changing online world - they sent Frank and others on this board and others to put out fires. Notice how Jerry appeared on this very thread and tried to take Cub to task for doing what was right? He then tried to switch the focus and conversation to focus on what ISU wants. It’s similar to what happens on a national scale - if somebody dissents to your belief system, it’s easier to call into question his/her patriotism and loyalty than it is to accept that this person sees things differently. How does that saying go? You’re either with us or against us? You’re either a loyal fan, no questions EVER asked, or you are a fair-weather fan?

ISU needs to evolve. The pattern we have seen with the football program has been a disturbing one. The APR issues are a big deal, no two ways around it. The mass exodus of players, the coaching turnover, and the questionable talent all indicates a disturbing pattern in the lack of success of this program. Now, thanks to the social media, we can see that Galloway WAS wronged. Is this yet another indication that the football and academic support staff in the athletic office is in over their heads? You’re right, if ISU was coming off an 8 win season, this wouldn’t be as big an issue. The fact is, we’re coming off of two consecutive 1 win seasons, and it’s my belief that this latest fiasco is further proof of the continued incompetence which is leading to these losing seasons.

Nope, you can’t hide this stuff anymore, Spartan. Mistakes happen. That’s a way of life. Apologize, learn from them, and move on.

Oh, and one more thing. Go Bengals!
Sasquatch, I couldn't have said it better myself. That was a great post and one to remember for the ages. I mean that. Way to step up to the plate and say the truth.

Folks, this is real and it is the truth. I honestly feel at peace with what has happened and what was brought up these past few weeks. Cub, I give you kudos again.

Sparty, believe it or not I have been where you have been until the past 2 years. Whenever anyone said anything negative about my Bengals then I would want to fight and have verbal arguements and I didn't want to believe anything bad. My hopes then got shattered year after year until I took the blinders off. I can honestly appreciate your fanhood, but please don't ever call me a fair weather fan. I will admit that (my) fanhood is on life support. Something keeps bringing me back to the water hole of "Bengal goodness" but I will be damned if I will just watch and take it like I have for the past years. We are DEMANDING change and I am demanding change. I will fight till the end to help try to make things right. I know one day Sparty that you will even take the blinders off and see what alot of us see. We are all taking action and throwing punches across the internet keyboard at eachother and it sucks to feel this way but it will bring us all (The Bengal Family they talk about) closer together like it should be.
After more guys have left the program in the last few weeks such as: Tubotein Taylor, Skylar Morgan, Andrew Benavides and rumor of Rob Tramonte not coming back? These sure can not help our APR, these were all scholarship guys!

Just for the record... Andrew Benavides HAS NOT left the program and looks forward to an improved season. Not sure where you get your info BF?
Just for the record... Andrew Benavides HAS NOT left the program and looks forward to an improved season. Not sure where you get your info BF?

Great news... Bengal fans everywhere want to see this kid have a monster career at ISU.
After more guys have left the program in the last few weeks such as: Tubotein Taylor, Skylar Morgan, Andrew Benavides and rumor of Rob Tramonte not coming back? These sure can not help our APR, these were all scholarship guys!

Just for the record... Andrew Benavides HAS NOT left the program and looks forward to an improved season. Not sure where you get your info BF?

Wearing Jersey #1 and ready to shatter records!
Spartan, 2 things...

1) How do you think that losing this QB wont have an effect on our win/loss column? It's a domino effect. Who is going to push Russ Hill for a starting job? Not to bash on Kyle Morris, but he is still very young and has zero experience. If MSU is willing to pick him up he must be a pretty good QB.

2) Learn how to spell before you write stuff of this board, thanks. (Catagory? haha) :lol:
no blinders here - you folks are just all excited about nothing cuz our team sucks and you think chasing windmills will make a difference

fanatic - before you pretend to be the internets english teacher read/edit your own posts

'Learn how to spell before you write stuff of this board'

'domino effect'? seriously?

fanatic family motto - where ignorance is bliss tis folly to be wise..... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Obviously guys, sparty has the same agenda as the rest of the incompetent. Like I said from here on out I am supporting the real BENGALS, which are the players. I really do think we need to focus on those players that have sacrificed and stayed on the team. The players have been thrown to the wolves with nothing in return. I did not see any coaches or administrators on the field at Oklahoma, etc. What did the players receive for their sacrifice...THAT WOULD BE A BIG FAT NOTHING! My guess would be most players are feeling used and abused, which is hard to deal with. Cub, we need to form a real Bengal Booster Club that supports the players....Spirit packs, new traveling uniforms, great meals before and after the games...I know the Bengal Foundation does try to establish funds which is an incredibly difficult job, but there is more to this Bengal Spirit than begging for money. Come on Cub and Club..let's try to make the players feel appreciated. I am sick of the negative bull sh-- and some way we need to bring back some positivity into the program.Let's not forget we really were seconds away from defeating Montana last year. Even if we haven't been a winning program doesn't mean we can't act with more support for our players. Let's all call the Chamber of Commerce and ask the businesses of Pocatello to be more supportive of the local athletics, including Wal Mart. Let's get the town more involved and demand they sell ISU apparell and possibly donate meals to OUR PLAYERS before and after the games. I really did see some players that played with that heart I talked about last year, hopefully we will see some new ones. Cub, you have developed a good relationship with some of the players why not contact them and ask what would help with the moral on the team. Don't ask them to bash the program just ask what Cub and Club could do to help the real Bengals.
Orange—the kids know that the fans support the team. They also understand that fans want leadership in place to help them be successful. They also understand that upset fans show that the program still has hope. When the bitching stops and the apathy takes over—that is the day the program dies.

Apathy is what we need to prevent. The fact that folks have opinions good or bad means that this program still has hope.

This isn’t little league or HS football and the players understand that winning puts butts in the seats and creates a community bond.
go big

that was an awesome pep talk - in fact it sounded alot like this -

"Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no! "

come on... admit it - you were riffing john belushi in animal house...? right?
that would make more sense.. i mean 'spirit packs'????? wtf??

do you even have testicles? :lol: :lol: :lol:
spartan said:
go big

that was an awesome pep talk - in fact it sounded alot like this -

"Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no! "

come on... admit it - you were riffing john belushi in animal house...? right?
that would make more sense.. i mean 'spirit packs'????? wtf??

do you even have testicles? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sparty, are you just a trouble maker or what? I really see your true colors through your posts and they are not Black and Orange. You are not even an ISU fan are you? Are you sure that you even served in the armed forces?

I will not longer waste my time with you Sparty. I just took the blinders off to how much of a waste of time it is responding to you.

GO Big- Keep the hooraahh going. We do need to support the real Bengals.
Like I said Roar, sparty fits right in with the rest of the incompetent...really the more he posts I really think he is part of the program. Spirit packs mean new T-shirts (maybe with a clever motto that we have been working on - Like "NO EXCUSES") and shorts for fall ball. It's your bull sh.. negativity sparty that is contagious and does, in fact, have a negative effect on some players and fans. You are a great reflection of the attitudes of some fans that I, for one, want to avoid. Testicles? How junior high! For the rest of you "fair weather fans", I was so upset with the program last year I had to stop posting..Thanks to Cub, I have come to realize that Bengal Football is about the players and it is the players that are going to bring our wins (yes, it would be much easier if they did not have so much going against them and by that I mean coaches and administration. GO BIG ORANGE...
:lol: :lol: :lol:

'and you get a spirit pack, and you get a spirit pack, and you get a spirit pack.....'

:lol: :lol: :lol:

wildbill99 said:
If any players have been reading this long thread it certainly will take away any spirit they had.

If kids look here for spirit and motivation--than they have no business playing Division I football. They've got a month to bond with one another, hit the practice field to prepare and the opportunity to put the last two seasons in the rear-view mirror.

Being picked last in the BSC is all the motivation they need and from what I hear, they plan to shock the BSC. That probably includes a thumping of the Wildcats in Holt.
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