In regards to the Gateway Project, I found some info on the BLRB Architects site, which is the firm that did the consultation.
BLRB Architects recently completed a visioning process for the Gateway Project at Eastern Washington University, which includes an expansion of Roos Field and the transformation of Washington Street into a vital commercial district.
More than 7,000 seats will be added with the new two-tier east grandstand that incorporates stadium amenities including improved concessions and restrooms, locker rooms, donor suites and a club area. It also integrates student-centered retail, a destination restaurant, an all-sports training room, an academic success center and more. Space in the new facility will also allow for the relocation of the University bookstore. The building will be designed to enhance daily life in the Cheney community throughout the entire year.
The goals of the Gateway Project are to create a stronger sense of community for students and faculty while adding sustainable revenue generation that will increase student scholarships. This first phase of the Gateway Project creates a heart for the Eastern Washington University campus and unifies the western and eastern halves of the campus.
In future phases there are plans to add additional retail, commercial and apartments along Washington Street as well as end zone seating to complete the seating bowl. Total future seating could exceed 22,000, and include a dedicated student section, the towering “Eagle’s Nest”, in the southern end zone.
Currently in the schematic design and fund development planning stage, the University Board of Trustees will review the Gateway Project in September 2012. Pending approvals and a successful capital campaign, the Gateway Project will be ready for the 2014 football season."" onclick=";return false;
So they're reviewing the project next month, I hope they vote to go through with it and we can get the Capital Campaign plan underway. I'm wondering what the total amount is that would need to be raised through donations. Since this is part of a larger project which includes a new book store, etc. it would seem like they're be able to secure some state funding for at least of the project. I read somewhere that there's also going to be new dorms built, I assume on the western side of campus that might tie into the Gateway.
If they can found a way to build the $28 million URC, we can build this.