scottywashere11 said:
FormerEag said:
"Scotty (guest): How 'bout that Gateway Project?
Jim: Sorry, but it's not happening. Rumor is that the school will work with the existing stadium."
-From the football live chat transcript on Looks like it's time to put this thread to bed.

Yeah... that response sucked to hear. But hey, we have been quoted on this forum before by the Spokesman Review in regards to stadium renovations. We should continue talking about possible alternatives. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. There is not many other places, other than the EWU TAILGATE! Facebook page, that we can express our dissatisfaction among one another. The only other option is to continue bombarding the administration with emails and letters to prioritize some sort of renovation.
Well, I suppose that completely closes the door on the new stadium site that our AD was discussing as recently as a month ago. No real surprise there.
However, does that mean we are going to expand on the current site? Or is that us being told to shut up and forget about it?
With all due respect to Jim, whatever our AD is trying to do ought to be explained to the fanbase. Jim is just a messenger; ultimately, the AD needs to address the issue publicly. It's obviously enough of an issue that it is going to come up again and again, so it would certainly be appreciated if the AD would make some sort of statement to the students, fans, and donors. Honestly, I feel the lack of information on this topic after a rather elaborate press release and money obviously spent on Gateway Project marketing materials is a little low brow and very dismissive of Eastern's core group of supporters.