ewueagle2010 said:
EdubU10 said:
Also to be considered: EWU is doing a remodel of the PUB and doing a complete replacement of the science building next summer. That's a lot of money going into facilities not named Roos.
Although I am beyond frustrated that nothing is happening with the stadium, one must understand the difference here. The PUB is being funding through students funds, which they voted to approve a couple years ago (similar to the URC). The science building is an education building, and it's been something talked about since my freshman year on campus. Right or wrong, there is little to no push back from anyone when you talk about remodeling, building an education building.
As we know, as soon as a sport is mentioned, people go nuts.
It's amazing how ignorant people are when it comes to understanding the difference between athletics and academics, and where the money to pay for stuff on both sides comes from. Back when UM's Champions Center was announced to cost $14 million, many people went absolutely nuts over it. A lot of people would complain and say things like, "Of course the University is spending money on athletics when classes and jobs are being cut", or "That money would have been better used for academics to save some of the jobs that are being cut"... :roll: Every time I heard this, I'd beat a dead horse trying to explain it to them... The entire project is being funded by private donations given specifically to athletics, and not only that, but the UM gets more academic donations annually than the athletic department gets, so their complaints really don't hold any merit. It's amazing how people don't understand this stuff, but when something doesn't fit your agenda, facts won't help you.