Sorry I couldn't make it. I am so happy to hear there was a great turn out of Eagle The Nation Fans. Well heard Defensive Coordinator is Eti Ena, :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: I think he played here a while ago, and was also a Coach here for the Eagles. Glad to have him back. The rumors are that LB Jake Gall has given up Football. Heard he have been very sick after his injury earlier in the season. If it is correct, we wish Jake all the best, and here is hoping he finish his degree and he can become a Fire Fighter like his Dad. Coaches are on the road Recruiting, so don't want to say something that is not the truth. Heard of some other Player that have given up FB, this normally happen each year after the Winter Breaks. I will wait for Coach Beau to let us know who is not returning. Good Luck to the ones that will not be returning for FB. Get your degree so you have something to go back on. "Good Luck To All" :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Vic Wallace