In terms of new coaching I think there needs to be a person who can coach first of all. He needs to be able to have a relationship with the players who are staying on the team, (unless they all are expected to leave), a person who can recruit where ever that may be. I think it is time to get some real talent on the team along with people who can devlope over time. Also, I think with the standing in the NCAA, Sac State needs a coach who can get players to graduate but also play basketball. Jerome got credit for doing that but I think it was really the assistant coaches who carried the weight on that one. If not look what happened after they all left this year. Four people gone because of grades. Jared Barrett is a great choice who knows the DI system, has the experience, can bring accoutablity and respect to the team again. I also know the players respect him and he can bring supports/bosters to the program. I think just because he was under Jenkins doesn't mean he is like Jenkins.