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Give me one good reason to respect ISU football!!!

the same Idaho that whipped the bungles? do you feel better now fletchy? need to worry about your team irvin, but good one! hahaha typical poky hey but don't forget 1981!
Oh, we won't forget 1981. And your claim to fame the past 25 years has been? Still think you're the flagship institution in this state?
What is going on up there in Pokey? Are things really that bad where someone has to create a topic called "Give me one good reason to respect ISU football" Things can't be that bad already can they?
Look at the positive, at least you are still undefeated in conf. play. :D
I was just wondering if expoky and luv were ex high school football studs that thought they were good enough to play college football but didn't get recruited from ISU. Just wondering! Go Big Orange!!! Here's another comment - How much did ISU receive to play Boise and Idaho????!!!!! Do you think ISU schedules these games for the FUN of it!!!!
I was just wondering if expoky and luv were ex high school football studs that thought they were good enough to play college football but didn't get recruited from ISU. Just wondering! Go Big Orange!!! Here's another comment - How much did ISU receive to play Boise and Idaho????!!!!! Do you think ISU schedules these games for the FUN of it!!!!

LMAO...that was funny :D I like how you avoided giving a legitimate response (or maybe ya cant hehehe).

Even if that were the case...that still does not erase the fact this program has not put a winning team on the field for years. As usual, someone from ISU wants to make this discussion about something other than answering the question. Please tell me you have a better argument than the weak one you just presented...oh my bad i forgot who you cheer for...you are really familiar with being weak :o Oh as for ISU scheduling these games for fun...probably not...but Boise does LMAO. :lol:
Ok, I've bout had enuf of ur horseshit. You've said ur peace and no one wants to oblige you so.......beat it McFly!!!!!!!!!
We r on the up and up in more ways than you know.
Someone please delete the post.
Here is my 2 cents AGAIN.
"Give me one good reason to respect ISU football"? I'll give you 100 reasons why the university and upper administration is to blame for the ISU Athletic's shortcomings and not the athletic administration and/or coaching staffs. ISU football is BAD consistantly because they can't recruit against the rest of the big sky with a shitty lockerroom, shitty practice field, shitty dome (oldest standing in the country), shitty community support (because of years of loosing), shitty athletic training center, below average weight room, shitty coaches offices, shitty town and weather....
We rank at/near the bottom of the big sky every year because of this. If you or anyone disagree with me on this specific point, then you know nothing at all about college football.
The university will keep firing athletic directors and coaches for years to come. I just pray for Zamberlin's and staff's sake that they have an opportunity to win even a little, enough to get themselves better jobs as assistants somewhere and not unemployed like every other coaching staff has for the past 2 decades.
Name one football coaching staff that has not gotten fired from ISU in the past two decades?
How many of the past AD's in the last 2 decades have left because of better jobs and not because they were asked to?
bengalbeliever said:
Ok, I've bout had enuf of ur horseshit. You've said ur peace and no one wants to oblige you so.......beat it McFly!!!!!!!!!
We r on the up and up in more ways than you know.

Someone please delete the post.

Why delete the post? Whats going on with this program?
What are you even talking about! What is going on with ISU Football? We haven't even played a conference game!!!! ISU is in financial trouble so they try to make some money by scheduling DI competition!!!!Someone please post the amount that ISU received by playing BSU and IDAHO. It is humiliating for a team to go play opponents on the next level but give the coaches and players credit for doing it to help ISU financially. ISU could schedule NAIA competition and then ISU would have to pay for those games, but ISU would end up with WINS!!!!! I asked you if you were an ex high school football stud that didn't get recruited and I guess your answer was YES! Sorry, but I guess YOU JUST WEREN'T GOOD ENOUGH TO PLAY COLLEGE BALL!!!! GET OVER IT!!!! STOP BEING SOOOOOO BITTER!!!! GO BIG ORANGE!!!!!
I think we made about $225,000 from the BSU game, and only about $100,000 from the Idaho game. If I'm wrong about this, then maybe Frank would have some more accurate figures.
"Made" is probably a misleading term. ISU "grossed" $225,000 from BSU and $100,000 from Idaho. After a four-day bus trip to Moscow, I would be surprised if ISU "made" any money from the Idaho excursion.

BTW, I've noticed at least one troll, "expokygrad," has made himself/herself/itself scarce since the Vandals were throttled by Utah State last week. Hey, misery loves company and the way things are going on the Palouse with their two football programs these days, I guess I can't fault Vandal fans for migrating other places to get their kicks.
Boisebengal, I think that's about right....the Idaho contract was low because it was signed when Senter was here, so that was like five years ago, before teams really started putting some $$$$$ up.

Luvtohateme may be a smug bastard Vandal fan, but he raises a legitimate point. You look at Holt arena and see a stadium. I look at it and see an old relic begging for some attention and maintenance. I'm impressed the roof hasn't fallen down, and I'm stating the truth here.

What I'm getting at is that college football today is an arms race of facilities. Montana, I-U, MSU, NAU and others are upgrading their stadiums. We sit back and whine about losing football...and not do anything about it. That's an evil little sign there. People in this community are so apathetic towards ISU athletics that they don't seem to care whether we get our needed renovations or not. And luvtohateme has a point there. Oh sure, there's the people on this board and the other people who genuinely care for the university and the teams we field. And I'm damn proud of every single one of them (even you, spartan). They are true Bengal fans. But we're SEVERELY OUTNUMBERED by the apathetic zombies and people who go to games just to hang out (or parents who use the game as a baby sitter and let their 5 year olds run around).

Don't delete his posts. Yeah, he pisses me off to no end. But he's asked a very hard question here, one we must confront head-on. He's right. We must get pissed off. Get the other fans, rally them under one banner: Idaho State's.

For the record, when Woody Hayes took over Ohio State after a few years at Miami of Ohio, keep this in mind: the Buckeyes sucked. Boosters and fans hated him, they wanted him out. After one particular beatdown (I think it was from Purdue or M*ch*gan in 1954 or 1955), he was viewing game film. After reviewing it, he picked up the projector, threw it against the wall and screamed, "I WILL NOT SUBJECT THE PEOPLE OF COLUMBUS TO THIS KIND OF FOOTBALL!!!!" That's what we need. Somebody who just won't take losing at all, a real ass-kicker (like Joe O'Brien)
in response to skippy, unlike you I have a life and don't look at this board 24/7. So...in response to the other idiot who said "you werent good enough to get recruited at isu...." i am one of the few athletes to get a Div 1 scholly [not 1aa] in the last few years..didn't want to play in the minor leagues, end of story. didnt go to ui either, so how they do the rest of the year doesn't matter. my original post which set off all of your name calling ignorance was to simply point out that all the comparisions to ui and boise st are moot, as both schools have radically upgraded facilities and budgets because they are 1A! The thought that you can compete with them in football is asinine, and the rest of the sports will follow that same downward spiral in comparison because you HAVE NO MONEY IN YOUR ATHLETIC BUDGET! so keep on with the "trolls, hide under a rock..bla bla. if tha.t gets you to sleep at night. Oh by the way, I see your big time softball coach is gone already, what happened to your golden boy votb?
I have it on good authority that the U of I is spending money they don't have. ISU is at least attempting to be fiscally responsible. Expokygrad, you are more than welcome to donate to the Bengal Foundation...I'm sure Donna Hays or Samantha Congdon would be happy to take your call. 282-2397. Remember, any arguments folks have lose tons of weight when you don't use your real name, or hide yourself to the point that no one knows who you are. That's a point that shouldn't be forgotten.

ISU is Div 1 Football!!!!! I don't believe you that you are playing at a
div 1 university, I still think you are bitter that you didn't get recruited from ISU and are hoping for ISU to fail!!!! It's not very hard to figure out who you are because very few ex poky grads are playing football on the Div 1 college level. END OF STORY!
Hey expokygrad. You have to be high on your boyfriends jock if you think we believe you got a scolly to a D1 school. We all know they don't give scollys to towel boys.
reveal my name like everybody else on this board does? and love the new name callers, same old crap from ignorant morons who can't face the truth. "isu is div 1" what an idiot, at least the rest of you people know the difference between DIV 1a and your minor football league. and where in my post did I say it was a football scholly? get over your football fetish isu, it is why your athletic program is in the shape it is! but.....1981! hahaha
Well, expokygrad says he knows me, so that narrows the search a bit, hahahahahaha.

Come now, boy, reveal thyself!

And again, since when has Idaho done anything special in the past 25 years? 1981 may be a long way off, but then again, so has a Vandal winning season.

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